The 2020 Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide

Posted in   Planning a Wedding   on  February 11, 2020 by  Kate Nnonyelu7

Here is the most important gift for you – The Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide!

The Wedding Planning Guide

First of all, Congratulations on your engagement. I am really excited for you. I remembered the excitement I had right after my engagement, and soon after that, it hit me like a truck – now comes the fear and panic of planning for my big day.

What is The 2020 Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide?

The 2020 ultimate wedding planning guide is a well thought out and well put together blog post that takes you step by step as you plan that perfect wedding you are envisioning and even went further to share some great tips on the dos and don’ts of the morning of the wedding.

Pink Flowers and 2 rings

Right now, the excitement of your engagement is going down and you are hit with fear and panic as you realize just how much stuff needs to be done before your wedding day.

Fear not, because, with the right mindset and The 2020 Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide, you can plan that perfect wedding and also have fun doing that.

What is the difference between How to plan a perfect wedding and how to plan a wedding on a small budget?

wedding planning guide

What is a perfect wedding?

We all envision a perfect wedding, but truly, WHAT IS A PERFECT WEDDING? In my opinion, a perfect wedding must have some key important things that make a wedding, a wedding. The key important things that make a wedding, a wedding are below:

  • The exchange of vows.
  • Some kind of reception (which doesn’t matter if it’s in your backyard or an expensive destination).
  • Delicious food/drinks.
  • Good music. 

The 2020 ultimate wedding planning guide will help you put these key important things in the right places, therefore making sure your wedding day is transformed into a beautiful day, spent with family and friends while celebrating the union of two people in love and building an unforgettable memory of a fun day.

What is a small budget wedding?

The word “small budget wedding”, has a completely different meaning to different people.

For instance, if Bill Gate’s daughter is planning for a wedding and her wedding budget is 2 million dollars, that can be considered “a small budget wedding”, as a result of who the father is.

Whereas, if you are from a low-income family, a wedding budget of 2 million dollars is considered “a big (HUGE) wedding budget”.

Therefore, A small budget wedding means, having a wedding budget you will stick to and furthermore, know what your priorities are because you can have a fun-filled wedding day, no matter what your budget is and The 2020 Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide will guide you every step of the way.

Why planning for a perfect wedding is much better.

The 2020 wedding planning guide

Yes, it is better to plan for a perfect wedding and you are in luck because The Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide will direct you in every step of the wedding planning process.

Any bride or groom can have a perfect wedding, as long as you don’t lose sight of what truly matters.

Therefore, a perfect wedding has nothing to do with how big or small your wedding budget is,

rather, a perfect wedding is any wedding that has all the key important details in place,

and has an unforgettable fun-filled day, that everyone would talk about for years to come.

When should you start your wedding planning?

ultimate wedding planning guide

The best time to start wedding planning depends on you the couples. Some couples want a quick wedding right after their engagement like 6 – 2 months.

While other couples might want the long engagement of 12 months and over.

However long you want your engagement to be, the most important thing is to use the 2020 ultimate wedding planning guide to plan your wedding, and never lose sight of what is more important.

What are the things you should not forget as you plan for your wedding?

Don’t forget to create a master checklist of three to four of your wedding day priorities, which might be, good food/drinks, good music, games or venue…

Why is it important to make a wedding day priority list? 

A wedding day priority list, helps you focus your attention and resources on the things that are more important for you and your partner on your wedding day, without wasting your time and money on the unnecessary things. It also helps you stick to your wedding budget.

15 Step by step of your Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide.

Need the ultimate instant downloadable Wedding Planner, Download your copy right now.

It’s been over ten years since I planned my wedding without any experience. Over the years, I have gained a whole lot of experience with weddings – as a fashion designer (Bridal Designer).

I have worked with different vendors and brides-to-be, which gave me the direct insights about all the tips and tricks I am about to share with you now. 

Here are the 15 great tips that will help you plan your perfect wedding, even easier and smoother.

 wedding planning steps

Step 1. Start working on your guest list.

Start working on your guest list right after your engagement announcement. At this step, you are actually making a rough list. Keep in mind how many people you think you can afford to cover their expenses.

You should be mindful of how big or small your guest list gets. The number of your guest list will definitely affect your wedding budget, which depends on how many people you have.

Step 2. Have a budget.

Have a realistic budget and stick to it. Your wedding budget is the most important aspect of your wedding planning process. Decisions are made based on your budget.

Don’t forget to reach out to any friends or family members who offered to contribute to your wedding. Now is the right time to reach out to them and know how much they are willing to contribute. 

Finally, don’t forget to give your budget a little room, because unexpected expenses will surface. Little expenses here and there does add up.

Step 3. Have a couple of date options.

Be flexible with your dates. Have at least three possible dates. Keep the season in mind, because it will certainly help with booking the venue and other things.

Step 4. Choose your wedding theme, style, and color scheme.

Think about a wedding theme for your wedding. Having a theme definitely makes everything about your wedding look cohesive and well put together.

Color schemes help bring your wedding to life. 

So think about your colors and check out Pinterest for ideas too. A theme can be Rustic, Gatsby, vintage, Fairytale, Summer, Fall… You get the idea hahaha.

Step 5. Design your wedding website.

Set up a simple website where your friends and family member can go get information like dates, time and so on.

Having a website gives everyone an idea of how the planning process is going, without getting too many phone calls, texts or emails from everyone asking for Information.

If you need help designing your Wedding website, Send us an email to get started

Step 6. Ask for help if you have to.

Your family and friends might want to help you two but are not sure where to start.

Ask for help if you have to. See if you can delegate some activities to your creative friends and family members to help get things done.

Don’t forget to tap into your skills too. But a word to the wise: don’t do too much, and don’t start a DIY project that will take too long to finish. Make sure the outcome will be worth the effort and time.

Step 7. Finalize your guest list.

At this stage, you already have a budget, you have a clear idea of how many guests you can afford based on your budget.

So clean the list, finish up the guest list and move on to booking a perfect venue.

Step 8. Select your venue.

You already have an idea of how big or small your guest list is. Go ahead and do more research on price, packages, and rules and conditions on other venues.

Because nearly half of your wedding budget goes to the venue. Don’t be quick to sign that dotted lines, shop around to see if you will find something better.

Another money-saving option will be, to have both your wedding ceremony and the reception at the same location. 

That will really save you a whole lot of money.

Step 9. Wedding dress shopping.

As a fashion designer, I strongly advise start shopping for your wedding dress early. Start between six to twelve months, to avoid rush fees.

Check out these 20 wedding dress shopping tips

You will also have the option to custom design your one of a kind wedding dress that is specifically made for your size and shape.

If your engagement is short, you have nothing to worry about. Consider shopping for sample size wedding dresses at a bridal shop or purchase a dress off the rack.

(Need a custom design Wedding dress, Click here to get started!)

Step 10. Book vendors.

Ask around for recommendations from family, friends, and people you trust about vendors they know or have worked with.

Make out time to meet with more than one vendor to see what’s in the package and price. Also, make sure you do your research before signing the dotted line.

Step 11. Set an option limit.

Set limits to the options you can have. With social media and all the wedding day inspirational images everywhere, it will be very easy to get overwhelmed with ideas.

Use Pinterest to your advantage, since you already pick a theme in step 4, pin pictures, ideas, and inspirations that works with your theme.

Remember to be focus and don’t go overboard. 

Step 12. Send out your wedding invitations.

Send out your invitations at least five weeks before your wedding day and set a deadline for the RSVP.

Step 13. Don’t forget your marriage license.

Don’t forget to obtain your marriage license if you and your partner want to be legally married.

Do your research about getting your marriage license in your state, because every state laws are different. Remember that your marriage license expires in a few months, so don’t get it too early and definitely not too late.

Step 14. Show gratitude.

  • Best Wedding Planning tips

Send out thank you notes or cards to everyone that helped you through every step of the planning process.

Say thank you to your family, friends, and even vendors that went out of their ways to make things happen.

Show your appreciation to your wedding guest with these best 13 Garden Wedding Theme Favors For Every Budget In 2020. Great tips for your wedding theme – Ndiritzy

Step 15. Have fun and go with the flow!

Yes!!!! Your big day is finally here and you guys (you, your partner, friends, family, and vendors) have worked so hard from day one to the last day of the planning process.

So it’s time to actually relax, have fun and go with the flow!!!!

Wedding morning ideas for the bride.

It’s your wedding morning and I know you must be worried about this and that.

At this point, I will advise you, not to sweat over the little things and just relax and go with the flow.

Focus on what is really important to you and your partner, which is getting married!!!!!

What do you do on the morning of your wedding?

Most Brides are not sure of what to do with their time on the morning of their wedding, but with The Wedding Planning Guide, you are certain to get things done and also have fun!!!!

Below is the list of 7 things to do the morning of your wedding.

7 things to do the morning of your wedding.

1. Take a good night’s rest.

Have a good night’s rest the night before your wedding morning. Go to bed early.

2. Have a good breakfast.

It’s very easy to forget to eat whenever you are busy but try to eat a good breakfast, because it is necessary, especially your wedding day.

If you know you will forget to eat breakfast, then plan your breakfast the night before, that will really help you remember.

3. Layout your wedding accessories the night before.

In other to remember everything you will need to get ready in the morning, you must pick them out a day or two before your big day.

So get them organized the night before your wedding day so you don’t forget that gorgeous pair of earrings you planned to wear on your wedding day.

4. Get pampered.

Enjoy all the attention you are getting, you are the celebrity of the day because it’s your wedding day.

5. Take beautiful pre-wedding pictures.

Remember to take gorgeous pre-wedding pictures with your bridesmaids. Don’t forget to capture other behind the scenes shots of your makeup session, dressing time, and dress reveal.

6. Smile.

Above all, the most important tip for you is to SMILE.

No matter what anyone around you is complaining about, while the photographer is about to take your picture, please beautiful, ignore their complains and SMILE for the shot.

Because at the end of the day, your wedding pictures will hold memories you and your partner will cherish for years to come.

If you happen to find (just) one picture where you frowned your face, in a few months from your wedding day, you will never remember the reason why you frowned your face.

But you will always remember why you were smiling on the rest of your wedding pictures.

7. Relax.

Relax and enjoy every little moment of your day.

wedding Day do's and don’ts

What should you not do on your wedding day?

Sometimes, brides sabotage themselves into doing things that would ruin their wedding day unknowingly.

These 4 wedding day don’ts list below, will help you avoid these mistakes and turn your wedding day into a perfect fun day.

1. Don’t party too much the night before.

Do not get yourself drunk the night before your wedding morning, because your wedding morning will be ruined. Go to bed on time.

2. Don’t try anything new.

Please beautiful, don’t try anything new on your wedding morning.

Not even that new facial treatment you’ve heard about. Or those beautiful pairs of shoes you got as a gift from your husband-to-be.

Not even those new undergarments, because you might end up pulling and moving it the entire time.

Only apply lipsticks, you’ve tried on before and go with the test makeup look you already approved days ago.

3. Don’t stress over things that are out of your control.

Do not stress over things you cannot control, because you will make the situation worse.

Focus on the most important thing of the day, which is, getting married to the love of your life. 

4. Lock up your phone.

Don’t waste time on your phone, Face timing, Texting, Chatting, Facebooking, or even Tagging people, when you should be resting.

Beautiful, lock up your phone and enjoy the moment.

The ultimate Wedding planner

There you have it!

With “The 2020 Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide”, you can plan that perfect wedding you so desire without any fear and have fun with the planning.

If you want an instant download of the ultimate Wedding planner, Click here to download.

Here is the summary of all the key points of what I wrote about in this beautiful blog post:

First of all, I started by explaining “What is The 2020 Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide?” and all the great tips and the steps to a perfect wedding.

Secondly, I explained “What is the difference between how to plan a perfect wedding and how to plan a wedding on a small budget?” and “Why planning for a perfect wedding is much better.” 

Thirdly, I went ahead to answer “When should you start your wedding planning?” and also wrote about “What are the things you should not forget as you plan for your wedding?”. 

Next, I listed out and explained “15 Step by step on how to plan a wedding.” and I even went further to share “Wedding morning ideas for the bride.”, “What do you do on the morning of your wedding”, and finally, “what should you not do on your wedding day.

As you can see, I touched on all the important details you need to know about planning for a perfect wedding and also the dos and don’ts of the wedding morning.

If you love this blog post, I would love you to like it or share it with your friends.

And if you are planning for your wedding, I will love to hear how far you’ve come in your planning process. If you are struggling with your wedding planning process, share your struggles below.


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    About the Author Kate Nnonyelu

    Hi, I'm Kate! An award-winning bridal wear designer and a business specialist. I have a Masters Degree in Fashion, and I help plus size brides-to-be look and feel elegant on their wedding day in my custom design bridal wear. Check out my blog post for helpful content and posts.
    You can also check my personal website to see other services I offer.
    Thank you and welcome to my home!

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